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Wow. It’s been too long since I did one of these posts! Life has been too hectic, and blog life has been even crazier.

Why is it that the month of May is now rivaling December in it’s insane-ness? Three field trips, two minimum days, and career week all in one month. #itstoomuch

Ready to catch up on my crust and crumbs of life?

1. One of the reasons behind the crazy is this girl:

Her name is Clancy and she’s my mother-in-law’s dog. My father-in-law had major spinal surgery at the end of April, here in Sacramento. They live about an hour and half from here, so Clancy is living with us while he’s in rehab. (He’s doing well, is making great strides in rehab, and is hoping to go home in two weeks!)

In the meantime, we gave Clancy our old loveseat, and as long as Mel sleeps downstairs in the guest room at night, all stays calm. Clancy isn’t allowed upstairs because she wants to eat Callie.

2. Did you know that I’m selling ad space on my blog now? Yes, I am! Over there on the sidebar. Check out my sponsor page for all the details and packages. I’d love to share my space with you!

3. Did you see the Copycat Starbucks Petite Vanilla Scones I posted yesterday? I am totally craving one.

I think I want to slather one with Oreo Peanut Butter. Or Maple Walnut Butter.

4. Last week, my new friend Cathy over at Lemon Tree Dwelling, posted these Mini BBQ Chicken Pizzas. I am in love with them, and having just tried BBQ Chicken pizza a few weeks ago, I’m also drooling.

5. Time for an Instagram dump! Do you follow me on Instagram?

Jordan and I went to Kohls. We both needed new tennis shoes. She discovered that she fits in a size 5 1/2 woman’s stiletto. She’s 8. EIGHT. Her friends all wear 12’s and 1’s still. #shesgotmyfeet #poorthing

I, on the other hand, tried on 12 pairs of running shoes and the only ones that fit glow in the dark.

When you order “3 ounce” bottles of sprinkles, just an FYI. That’s a lot of sprinkles. One of those bottles is 3 ounces. I now have enough red and blue sprinkles for the next four 4th of Julys.

The same day I realized my 8 year old can wear woman’s shoes, she lost her 13th tooth. #OMG

6. This week is career week for the second graders. Somehow, Jordan talked me into speaking. Then I come to learn it’s not for just her class – it’s for ALL the second graders. 110 of them. #eek #scared

Part of my presentation is a “day in the life of” where I tell about how I create a post from start to finish, and relate it to the 2nd grade. Photography is the step that correlates to “art” in second grade. After I took this photo, I realized some of you might find it helpful.

{Pardon my messy hair. It was Sunday, and I wasn’t leaving the house. What’s the point?}

That’s how I set up ALL my photo shoots. I call that window the “money window” as in, I started making money when we moved into this house and I started using that window for my photo shoots.

My base varies. What’s shown there is a foam core board covered in wood plank paper I found in the teaching section at Joann’s (see the actual shots here). I also use a piece of wainscoting that I had cut in half at Lowe’s, or a foam core covered in dark wood shelf paper (shown here).

I use a foam core board for my backdrop, and half a foam core covered in aluminum foil for my reflector. I also use a small stool, and I’ve gotten very good at balancing on the stool on my tippy toes. It’s good for the calves.

7. Have you check out the BEST chocolate cupcake recipe?

The frosting tastes like melted fudge. Seriously.

8. My friend Karyn posted these Bowling Party Cake Pops last week and I think they are the best and most cutest cake pops I’ve ever seen!

9. Who’s going to BlogHer Food? I am, I am! Let’s meet up!

10. My favorite books lately:

I’ve read lots more, but those were all really, really good. And, the best part? All of them, except for the Jodi Picoult one, were from my city library’s e-library. Did you know they have that? Go to your library website, and somewhere it should have a link to the e-library. You login with your regular login info and can check out books straight to your kindle or e-reader! I wish I could afford to buy all the books I read…but then I wouldn’t have money for the important things. Like Oreos and avocados.

Happy Monday everyone! See you tomorrow with another to-die-for cupcake!

Thanks for reading!

Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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  1. Great post! Have you read Fly Away yet? I’m in a book club and we had read Fire Fly Lane a few years ago and now tomorrow night we are discussing Fly Away. I also liked Defending Jacob… and want to check out some of your other reads! Thanks for the tip on photography too!

  2. Love the behind the scenes look! I always wonder how other people set up their photos. Thank you for posting this. I think I need some bases. I mostly just use colored paper but it ends up with lottts of grease marks… 😉

  3. I never thought about using wood plank paper. So clever. My hair always looks like a hot mess on Sunday. I don’t leave the house, so it really doesn’t matter. I bet the second grade class thinks you’re the coolest mom ever!

  4. Love seeing your set up! I’ve been trying to think of a better way to do it and you gave me ideas – thanks! If you haven’t done career day already, I’m sure you’ll do great! I wish I was a second grader and could sit in on it 🙂