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Hey hey! It’s Friday!

I feel like it has been SO long since I wrote one of these posts. It got kind of crazy there at the end of the year. But I’m back! And we have a lot to talk about!

1. Have you entered my giveaway for a $20 Amazon Gift Card? How about the giveaway for an iPad? What are you waiting for???

{And, BTW, I am having SO much fun reading what you all want me to make this year. I never have to brainstorm again!}

2. The reason for the first giveaway in #1 is because of all my new Facebook likes. I just wanted to make sure, since we talked about this before, that you put a Facebook Like Box on your site, right? GO. DO. IT.

Aaaanddd since we’re on the topic of social media, I’m trying to be better about Google+. Since Google pretty much owns the internet, G+ affects my SEO (that is, they reward you if you use it and probably don’t reward you if you don’t use it, if you catch my drift). I still have a lot to learn, but you can add me to your circles here OR by using the handy dandy add to circles box in my footer. Get your own follow box here.

And please, for the love of blogging, if you’re using G+, put your photo (or your blog button) as your profile pic and your header or at least your blog name in the header photo area of your profile. That way, when you follow me, and I hover over your name and your profile pops up, I know you’re a blogger (i.e. so I can follow you back). Because G+ uses your name, it’s hard to know who’s who. Put your blog name somewhere in there!

3. I have been trying to exercise more, to offset the cookies and magic bars. Maybe if I write it all here, you’ll hold me more accountable? Anyway, my goal is to run twice a week (tentatively Mondays and Fridays) and do a few classes at the gym each week. I’d love to get to three classes, but I’m starting small and did two this week. And I hurt. 🙂

4. This week I made you sugar. You’ve given up on those silly resolutions, right?

Skinny Lemon Ice Cream 2 words

Lemon Ice Cream {Easy, Skinny, and no ice cream maker needed!}

Mountain Bars

Mountain Bars {A childhood addiction.}


A Cake Batter Dessert Snackadium {Um, I’m kind of proud of this one…}

Vegan Brownies {Don’t run away…they are really, really good!}

5. I’ve been thinking about dinner. I eat it every day, after all. I also prepare it 99.999% of the time. I’ve been trying to go through the stacks and stacks of recipes I pull out of magazines, and, of course, my Dinner Pinterest board. I figure, if I make some good stuff, I’ll share it here!

Sunday: We had my mom’s Bean Stuff. Please don’t judge the photos. The recipe is the BEST THING EVER.
Monday: We had Slow Cooker Asian Glazed Chicken from Six Sisters. It was really good – even Jordan liked it!
Wednesday: Cheesy Chicken and Rice Bake from How Sweet It Is. It was really, really good. And it makes a ton, so we have another meal to freeze for a busy weeknight!
Thursday: Vegetable Fried Rice Frittata from Averie Cooks. Very satisfying, for a veggie meal! And it was super good too.

6. I haven’t done a phone dump here in awhile. Hold onto your seats, this is gonna be thrilling! {Hahaha.}

FYI, do you follow me on Instagram? I’m @crazyforcrust!

Jordan WF 1_11

Jordan had a fun few weeks. She got her hair done and magically transformed into a 10 year old, she got a new rock star outfit from her dad, she wanted to be “just like mom,” and we put her to work painting her playroom (our converted garage).


Mel and I spent some time in my favorite city: San Francisco.


And I finally, finally got to meet Ashton. She and I and Hayley all went to dinner together! Meeting her in person made me realize how small the internet really is, because we were already BFFs…even though we’d never met or even heard each others voices!

7. Books! I recently read Hopeless by Colleen Hoover. It was SO good. You MUST read it. I think it’s mainly an e-book, but on Amazon it says there is also a paperback. The e-book is really reasonable, only $3.99 as of writing this. That’s why I bought it – and I’m so glad I did! I also read John Grisham’s newest, The Racketeer. It was really good too! What else should I read? I need books!

8. I swear to God I saw a woman pushing her baby in it’s infant car seat through the gym parking lot the other day. Like, not on a stroller. The infant seat had wheels and an expandable handle she pulled out from it. It was not a convertible seat, it was an infant seat and it had little wheels on the bottom. I promise you I was NOT hallucinating. I thought it was the craziest, most ingenious (and somewhat disturbing) invention ever. But I cannot find it. I’ve spend minutes googling and it’s just not there. Please tell me I was not having some sort of gym-high hallucination?

What are you doing this weekend? I hope it’s something fun!

Happy Friday, and thanks for being my BFFs. 🙂

Last Updated on February 2, 2023

Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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  1. YAY!! I {love} Whatever Friday!! Have you read Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns? I know they aren’t new, but for some reason, this morning I was thinking about them and how much I LOVED them both! Happy New Year Dorothy. I’m so happy that Whatever Friday is back!!

  2. I still don’t understand Google +. I even went to a conference in November and they talked about it and I’m still lost. I just added you to my Google +. Now I just need to figure out the rest of it! 😉 Happy Friday!

  3. that is funny, I had a thing for my car seat it was just a stroller handle and wheels, you sat the car seat in it and there you go, mini stroller.

    1. I’ve seen those! A bunch came up in my search. But I swear Sue, the actual infant seat had wheels. It was like she was rolling her baby around on the ground. A crazy visual! LOL Have a great weekend!

  4. i’m so jealous that you ashton and hayley can have meet ups! I can’t make it to blogher this year b/c of a friend’s wedding, so i will miss out meeting so many of my blogging friends. 🙁 Dorothy, I just wanted to thank you for such a wonderful 2012. it was so nice to get to know you through crazyforcrust and my 2012 reports showed me that you were in my top 5 commenters all year. it truly means a lot to me. 🙂 here’s to a wonderful 2013!

    1. I know Sally, I feel the same way about YOU! We all need to find a place we can meet up, for reals! I don’t think I can go another year and half without giving you a hug. Wait…that wasn’t meant to sound stalkerish, I promise… 🙂

  5. Thanks for trying my Vegetable Fried Rice Frittata! And congrats on getting 1000 new FB fans in like 24 hrs…how does that even happen?! Awesome though!

    And what a fun meetup for you three!

    And your daughter is GORGEOUS!!! Wow! Just like her mama 🙂

    1. It was really good! I’m so making it again, with asparagus next. I used broccoli, because that’s what we had. 🙂