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peanut butter cookie ice cream sandwiches


This Sunday is Father’s Day. So I thought, for this week’s installment of Cooking With Kids, that I should have Jordan help me make something for her daddy. I immediately thought about these peanut butter cookies, the easiest ones one the planet.
Let me tell you something about my husband, Mel. He loves peanut butter. LOVES. I think he loves it more than most things. I have to hide my multiple-jar stash of peanut butter, unless he’s being super conscious of his WW points (and sometimes even then). Sometimes I will open a new jar to make a PB&J for Jordan and then, a few days later, go to make another one and the jar will be almost empty. It’s like burglars come in the night and eat my peanut butter because I never see my husband eat it. But, unless my dog has learned to unscrew jars (I wouldn’t put it past her), my husband is usually the culprit.
He also loves ice cream. He eats it every night, in the form of a Skinny Cow cup. So, when brainstorming ideas for this dessert, I decided to marry his two favorite things into one delicious dessert: Peanut Butter Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches. And I used fat-free vanilla frozen yogurt. It’s not a Skinny Cow cup, but at least its portioned.
Jordan loved helping me with these. I scooped out the ice cream onto the bottom cookie and let her place the top cookie and squish it down. But I thought they needed something else.
The ice cream sandwiches just seemed boring. So I thought sprinkles or chocolate chips would be a good addition to make them pop. Guess which one Jordan chose?
The chocolate chips, of course. Girl after my own heart. The hardest part for her was when I told her she needs to wait until Sunday to eat one. Although I might be nice and let her have one tonight. ‘Cuz I’m sweet like that.
The hardest part (for me) about doing this with Jordan was being fast. Because kids just…aren’t. Ice cream melts. It tends to melt more when you handle it. And it makes it a tad chaotic when you’re trying work with ice cream, be fast, help the kid, and take photos. But it was fun anyway. (And, without the photo taking, it would have been a lot easier.)
Here’s another thing about my husband: he’s an awesome dad. Jordan adores him (and so do I). The first thing she asks him in the morning is to play with her. When he can, he does. He’s a great player. They lock themselves in her room and play princesses. He tells her stories. Ones he makes up. He takes her places every weekend for “daddy-daughter” time. Once in awhile he even takes her to his mom or dad’s for the weekend (without me!) I am so happy that they have such a great relationship. I often feel like the odd-man out when we’re all together. And that’s okay. Because he is her hero.
And he’s mine too.
I love you sweetie! Happy Father’s Day to the best husband in the whole world.
Peanut Butter Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches
1 cup peanut butter
1 egg
1 cup sugar
Ice Cream (any flavor you like)
Sprinkles or Mini Chocolate Chips
1.    Preheat oven to 350°. Line two cookie sheets with parchment paper.
2.    Mix the peanut butter, egg, and sugar in a large bowl by hand until blended.
3.    Scoop uniform balls of dough onto your cookie sheets (I used a 2 tablespoon scoop). Fill a small bowl with water. Dip a fork in the water and press the cookies down, creating a criss-cross pattern. Bake for 8-10 minutes.  Cool completely.
4.    To make the ice cream sandwiches, place a cookie upside down and top it with a scoop of ice cream. Place a second cookie on the top and squish it down a little. Roll the sandwiches in sprinkles or mini chocolate chips and freeze immediately.
Yield: makes about 6 ice cream sandwiches (depending on size)

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Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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  1. those sound delicious – i am a sucker for anything pb related.

    and happy (belated) father’s day!