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Happy Friday!

Did you all have a good week? I hope so!

1. Why is Halloween not on Friday? I think that it should be one of those “observed” holidays – always on a Friday. One, I feel bad for the poor, poor teachers who have to deal with my over-sugared under-slept kid the day after Halloween. And two, I feel bad for me because I have to be the mean mom that makes Jordan go to bed at a reasonable hour because it’s a school night. Friday nights, people. It would be a good thing.

2. Speaking of Halloween, how was yours? Jordan was Hannah Montana, and I? I was myself.

Crazy for crust, of course.

3. We blew out the pumpkins and turned off the lights about 8pm on Halloween. My husband says it was because Jordan was in bed and we didn’t want her disturbed. Me? I did it because we were almost out of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.

4. This week, because we don’t get enough sugar trick-or-treating, I made you dessert.

I’m keeping my sugar in check by making a sugar-free pumpkin snack cake.

I made you a tongue twister.

Want to win some of those fab disposable pans? You still have a few hours left to win!

And I went to a party!

If you love Instagram as much as I do, go join in the Back For Seconds #SnapshotSocial photo a day fun!

5. Our last cheer game is tomorrow night. It’s at 7pm. Um…that’s bedtime for Jordan. So yeah…Sunday ought to be fun.

6. I’m a little freaked out by the new ad program by Federated Media. Any one have insight/thoughts about it?

7. Get ready for Pie! Monday begins the “Two Weeks of Pie” around here at Crazy for Crust, where I’m going to show you at least 6 different pie recipes. I’m so excited! I started baking yesterday and you all are going to love it.

To celebrate pie week I’m kicking it off on Monday with a PIE PARTY on FACEBOOK. I hope you’ll come join me. Stop by my Facebook page on Monday morning to share your favorite pie recipe on my wall. Throughout the day (and week, depending on how many posts I get) I’ll share your pies with my Facebook fans! Complete directions will be on my Facebook wall on Monday morning, at 6am PST. Come party with me! 🙂

Have a great weekend! Don’t forget to set your clocks back. What are you going to enjoy for your extra hour? Jordan wants to start a blog…so I think that’s what I’ll be doing. {Did we really expect anything different from her?}

See y’all for PIE week next week!

xo, Dorothy

Last Updated on April 1, 2023

Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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  1. Hey Dorothy! It sounds like you had a great Halloween! We had NO trick-or-treaters out here at the farm. So, I’ll be forced to enjoy… er, um… endure eating the tootsie pops we bought for them. *wink.
    I’ve been working on Christmas candy recipes, so I’ll probably be in the kitchen for the “extra hour” this weekend! **Hugs**

  2. I am SO with you on the friday Halloween thing
    Thursday was ROUGH here,
    and I am excited for pie week(s)
    I LOVE me some pie
    Have a great weekend!!

  3. Jordan was so so cute as Hannah Montana 🙂 what’s her blog going to be about? I’m excited. This is gonna be good!

  4. So cute!! I totally agree that it is so weird that Halloween is like in the middle of the week. Where I’m from they have trick or treat days on the weekend, not on actual Halloween.

    Also-I totally didn’t realize Hannah Montana was still a thing? I’m so not in the know.

  5. So what is up with Federated? I’m curious to know too. I just applied to them (during OBC) but they sent me an email saying they’re reviewing me.

    Have a good weekend!

    1. They’ve now moved to lijit ads. They emailed me and said, as of Nov 30, my contract is over and my ads will stop. I reapplied with Lijit and got accepted, but I’ve heard they pay less. I’m crossing my fingers BlogHer comes through for me…

      1. I hope it comes through for you too!

        I’d rather have samples than money at this point 🙂

      2. Jumping in here…I also am curious how lijit is going to work out. I did what I needed to to switch over to them and I am not seeing much in the way of payment. I now have 3 ad (eek!) on my site, but my dashboard shows just pennies earned. I’m wondering how it’s going to turn out. I also applied to BlogHer so I’ll cross my fingers for both of us!

  6. I cannot wait for pie week! And the pie party! And Jordan’s blog! So much fun happening here.
    Thanks again for partying with me. You are the BEST!!
    Have a great weekend. I plan on making that cheeseball. Oh yeah!

  7. oh my gosh I have been living for the time going back an hour, cannot wait!!! And you have a great costume, very original;p And what a cute Hannah you have, she looks so happy!

  8. I’m in Ohio with my grandson and Halloween is tomorrow–most of this area was affected by Hurricane Sandy and it had to be postponed. I’m not sure my daughter in New Jersey will have Halloween at all. Love the recipes and hope to be baking with my grand today or tomorrow. XOXO

    1. That’s so sad for all the kids. 🙁 The state should delcare Nov 30 Halloween or something, once it’s all been cleaned up and the power is back. Good luck to your family!