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I’m so excited for this week. While going through all the recipes I was planning on making for the holidays, I realized that I had four peppermint recipes. So welcome to Peppermint Week!

See, I really love peppermint. Peppermint ice cream, peppermint with chocolate, cookies, cake, brownies, pie, candy. Bring it on, I love it.

But I don’t love candy canes. Or those peppermint candy things you get at restaurants. I love the flavor of peppermint in any and all baked goods, but hand me a stick of the stuff? *Gag*

And yes, I am perfectly aware of my crazy food issues. Condiments, bananas, pudding, candy canes. I know I’m abnormal. I am fully expecting to shell out money not only for braces for my daughter (bad genetics), therapy (for what she will inevitably see as bad mothering), but also for a nutritionist to deal with all the fun food issues I am surely passing on.

You all love me for my quirks, right?

Don’t answer that.

Anyway, first up this week: these White Chocolate Cheesecake Peppermint Cookies, inspired by this recipe.

I knew I was going to make these as soon as I saw this in the store:

I don’t normally buy store-bought cookie dough because I love making my own, but it has candy canes in it! How could I not buy it???

Mix up your cheesecake filling and chill it. When you’re ready to fill, slice your roll of dough and place a teaspoon of the filling on half the slices. Top with the other half and press to seal.

Now, leave lots of room on your cookie sheet. Lots.

These are some seriously big cookies. I’d forgotten how much that cookie dough roll spreads. Massive. But good!

Because there wasn’t enough sugar, I topped them with white chocolate and sprinkles.

You can’t really see the filling, but it’s there. And when you bite into it? Oh, yum.

{Wow, I need a manicure. Hubs, you paying attention?}

I hope you enjoyed the first Peppermint recipe of the week. And if you don’t like peppermint…well you love my witty content, right?

Don’t answer that either.

Happy Monday!

White Chocolate Cheesecake Peppermint Cookies
by Crazy for Crust (Adapted from Cookies & Cups)
Keywords: peppermint cheesecake cookie
Ingredients (about 16 very large cookies)
  • 8 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • ¼ cups white chocolate chips, melted
  • 1 tube Peppermint Sugar Cookies (Pillsbury)
  • 1-2 cups additional white chocolate chips, melted and sprinkles for decoration
  1. Mix cream cheese, sugar, vanilla, and melted chocolate with a hand-held mixer until combined. Chill for at least 30 minutes before using.
  2. When ready to assemble cookies, line baking sheets with parchment paper. Slice cookie dough about 1/4” thick and line them up on a cutting board. Place one teaspoon of the chilled filling in the center of half the rounds. Lay the empty cookie dough rounds on top the filled ones and press the edges together. Form it into a patty. Make sure it is sealed. Place on the prepared cookie sheet and repeat with rest of dough. Be sure to place at least 3” apart on baking sheet.
  3. Once cookies are all formed, chill for 30 minutes.
  4. Preheat oven to 350°. Bake cookies for about 12-16 minutes (mine took 15), rotating pans halfway through baking. Cool completely.
  5. If you want to make the cookies fancier, melt the additional white chocolate chips and spread about a tablespoon on each cookie. Sprinkle with sprinkles, if desired.
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This recipe may be linked with:
MondayMingle Monday (Add a Pinch), Joy of DessertsTuesday2 Maids a Baking (2 Maids a Milking), Tea Party Tuesdays (Sweetology), Mushki Loves My Stuff (Mushki Loves), Totally Tasty Tuesdays (Mandy’s Recipe Box), Talent Show Tuesday (Chef in Training). WednesdayMrs. Fox’s Sweet Party (Mrs. Fox’s Sweets) Made It On Monday (Lark’s Country Heart), This Chick Cooks.  ThursdaySweet Treats Thursday (Something Swanky), Chic-and-Crafty (Frugal Girls), Turning the Table Thursdays (Around My Family Table), Tasty Thursday (The How-To Mommy), Tastetastic Thursday (A little nosh), Sweet Temptations (Talking Dollars and Cents). Friday: Sweet Tooth Friday (Alli-n-son), I’m Lovin’ it Fridays (TidyMom), Friday Favorites (Simply Sweet Home), Latest & Greatest Friday (Days of Chalk and Chocolate). SaturdaySweets for a Saturday (Sweet as Sugar Cookies), Seasonal Inspiration (Crumbs and Chaos). SundayA Well-Seasoned Life,Sharing Sundays (Everyday Sisters), Strut your Stuff Saturday (Six Sisters’ Stuff), Moms Crazy Cooking

Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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