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Happy Friday! Are you excited for the weekend? I am, because it’s our last one without a gazillion things going on until school is out in June. Hopefully we can rest up and hang on until then!

1. First off, I wanted to thank you all so very, very much for all of your comments on my infertility post. It meant so much to me that you all too the time to read, comment, and even share your own stories. Infertility is one of those things that is so uncomfortable to talk about, but it happens so often, the stories need to be out there. Because when you’re in the midst of it, you feel like you’re the only one and no one understands. So, thank you. So much.

2. Have you entered my giveaway? Be sure to go enter, and link up to Crazy Sweet Tuesday while you’re there!

3. This week I posted some healthy, non-indulgent treats.

Like this Chocolate Malted Shortbread, made with Melt Organic. Healthy butter…which equals a guilt-free treat, right?

Wait, what? That’s not right? Um…huh.

And this treat, which really is (almost) fat-free, which means I can eat the whole container, right?

No? I can’t? Too late. Oops.

4. I am finally going to accomplish one of my goals. I signed up for the Race for the Cure 5k on Saturday, the 12th. The Race is special to me for many reasons, one because it’s the first (and only) 5k I’ve ever run (a few years back) and because my step-mother in-law is a survivor and one of my friends is currently undergoing treatment. So…I’m going for it. Wish me luck!

5. As I’ve told y’all before, I read a lot. I don’t buy books unless I’m going on vacation or it’s a great series like Hunger Games or something; usually I borrow them from the library. I have a hold list a mile long, because I’m up to date on all my favorite authors so I have to wait eons to get their current novels. What I hate? When they all come in for pick-up at the same time. Now, I have three weeks to get through this stack (because most of them can’t be renewed):

And yes, that pink one at the top I expect will be most thrilling.

6. I apologize for my lack of commenting lately. I’m trying as hard as I can to get to all your blogs because I truly love visiting you. I’m having issues with blog-life balance (as Jordan not so kindly told me) and well, commenting is taking a hit right now. Hopefully in a few weeks things will settle down (ha ha ha – then it’ll be summer!) but please know that even if I don’t comment, I’m reading in my reader! You still love me, right?

Have a great weekend everyone! See ya’ on the flip side.


Last Updated on August 18, 2022

Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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  1. YAY, you got Crank! Haha, that sounds so weird to cheer but I’m so excited for you. It’s SO good. If you like it, let me know when you get to the third book and I’ll lend it to you, as well as 2 others of Ellen Hopkins’ I have 🙂
    PS, I am SO making your ice cream right now! I can’t wait!
    And PPS, tell my BFF I will see her Sunday (if that’s okay, of course) for cake batter muffins!

    1. I’m excited to read it! I hope you like the ice cream!! And beware, she’ll probably attack you. The kid, and the dog too. 🙂

  2. 1. I’m having balance issues too. I don’t know what will happen come Fall and my husband comes home. He might actually expect me to spend time with him and, you know, cook dinner. I hope you figure out a solution that works for your family.
    2. I’ve never had banana cream pie anything. I’m curious..
    3. Please tell me that’s not a 4th Grade Fairy book. Ugh…
    4. I almost bought “I’ve Got Your Number” other day. Let me know how it is!

  3. Oh my gosh. You’re kind of a crazy commenter anyway Dorothy. (In a good way that we all appreciate, of course 🙂 But, what I’m saying is– I don’t think ANYBODY is going to be hurt if you comment less! I always wonder how you’re able to do it!! I’ve been thinking about putting a message over my comments that says, “I’m a really terrible commenter, but I promise each time I read yours, we usually have a full conversation in my head. I hope that’s enough for everyone!”

  4. Take the time you need with your family! They are the most important. We will all be here when you have more time to visit all of our blogs again!

  5. Oohh Pray for Silence was really good! I love James Patterson, haven’t read that one yet. I read at least one book a week. As I work in my kitchen I always have my Nook ready to read between batches of cookies, etc. Also, with all the pick up/drop off with my kids schools and sports I get a lot of down time! I want to check out some of those other authors though…always on the hunt for new stuff!