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For a long time I had no idea what monkey bread was. People would mention it or I’d see it in the frozen section and just have question marks above my head like a cartoon character. I’d chuckle a little to myself because I’d come up with some 12-year-old boy joke about it’s name. Hee, hee…monkey bread…

Then I saw a recipe for it on the Pillsbury website, using Grands! biscuits. The recipe looked easy enough, so I made it for Christmas breakfast about four years ago. And I haven’t stopped making it since.
Because oh. My. God. Do you know what monkey bread is?
Dough. With sugar and cinnamon. And butter.
The first few Christmases I made monkey bread because it was easy, fast, and could be mostly done ahead of time. Who wants to deal with lots of cooking on Christmas morning?
Now? Now I make it because I am commanded too. Like, seriously.
I always say I’m going to try cinnamon rolls instead for Christmas. I mention it at dinner in November and my daughter almost has a fit because she “wants MONKEY BREAD!!!” She’s been asking me for it since October this year, I’m not joking.
So that’s what I’ll be making come Christmas morning.
That’s just the basic model. This puppy comes in all shapes, sizes, and flavors. A simple search yielded me these awesome looking ideas:
S’mores Monkey Bread (Pillsbury)
Chocolate Brioche Monkey Bread (Melissa’s Cuisine)
I’d love to make a different version like one of these this Christmas, but I think I’d have a revolt on my hands. Oh well, there’s always a Saturday morning treat to be had!
What are you Christmas breakfast traditions?
{Hey, if you like peppermint…be sure to stop by next week! It’s Peppermint Week here at Crazy for Crust…cookies, pie, and lots more!}
Thanks for reading and TGIF!

Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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