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Shot of Jordan holding a popsicle with the focus on the popsicle

What do you think of when you think of the bright side of life? What makes you stop and enjoy the journey? For me…there are so many things.

The smell of yeast dough rising.

The chocolate factory smell in my hometown.

Sunshine on a rainy day.

A/C on a super hot day.

Swimming with this girl.


Well…you know me. Watching her swim while I sit on the sidelines. That makes me happy. {The kid swam better at 6 than I ever did.}

Listening to my daughter play house with her friends.

Introducing her to the things I loved when I was young. Most recently, that’s Full House and The Brady Bunch.

My husband, obviously, and the fact that we’ve been married almost 12 years.

Taking the time to enjoy a train ride, even in the Busiest Happiest Place on Earth.


And, honestly? On these screaming hot days? I relish something cold. Something delicious and frozen that will cool me off before my head explodes. Like these Fruttare Fruit Bars!

Hand holding a orange popsicle with popsicle boxes out of focus in the background

I’ve been seeing these Fruttare Fruit Bars pop up in the grocery store and Walmart over the past few months. I’ve been meaning to try them, because they just looked so good. And, people. These don’t disappoint.

These? These are the bright side of summer, in a box!

Girl holding a pink popsicle with the focus on the popsicle

Fruttare has two kinds of frozen fruit bars:

  • Fruttare Fruit and Milk Bars are made with creamy milk and real fruit, and are available in four varieties – Strawberry and Milk, Coconut and Milk, Banana and Milk and Peach and Milk.
  • Fruttare Fruit and Juice Bars are made with real fruit and refreshing juice, and are available in four varieties – Strawberry, Mango, Orange and Lime.

Two boxes of Fruttare popsicles

I tried the Strawberry and the Orange Fruit and Juice Bars. They are really so very good. They taste like I’m actually eating the fruit, really. The fruit flavors totally pop in your mouth.

I cannot wait to get my hands on the Banana and Milk and the Coconut and Milk bars. They didn’t have those at Walmart when I went shopping and, man. I am dying for them. The are on my shopping list for sure!

Fruittare is recognized as a brand that prides itself on focusing on the bright side of life, which I think is something we could all use more of. I know life can get in the way sometimes…but it’s just so important to stop and make the memories that will way outlast that phone call, email, or vacuumed house.

If you’re looking to find the bright side…maybe find it through Fruittare.

If nothing else, your stomach will be happy. 🙂

Two popsicles being held with girl in the background out of focus

What makes you look at the bright side of life?

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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  1. I haven’t seen these but we love fruit pops so I will keep an eye out the next time I am grocery shopping! I love family time together in any season. Its the memories of those times that are my bright spots. 🙂

  2. I’ve had the strawberry and I love them! They are probably the best frozen fruit bar I’ve ever had!

  3. I’ve been wanting to try the Coconut & Milk ones, too, Dorothy. Such a sweet post with all the photos of you and Jordan!
    Tracey @ The Kitchen is My Playground