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Thanks to Delta Faucet I made over my kitchen starting with a new kitchen faucet!

A Delta Faucet Inspired Kitchen Makeover #deltafaucetinspired

When we last left off in our story, the new kitchen faucet had arrived and the girl (er, me) was anxiously waiting for it to be installed.

As much as I’d like to think I’m a DIYer, I’m SO NOT. Like, the thought of touching plumbing gives me shivers. So instead, I hired a skilled plumber to install my new Delta Faucet (the Cassidy with Touch20 technology).

While he was installing my faucet, he told me that this plastic piece is one of the most important parts. Because the faucet is operated by battery, there is electrical current running through the parts. You have to have the plastic piece between them for the faucet to function properly.


The faucet is run by 6 AA batteries, in a little case under the sink. I have it stuck to the back wall of my sink with some of that tacky putty, but velcro would be better. There is a light in the faucet that shows the power. It’s blue when you’re good to go. I’ve been using it for several weeks now, and the light is still blue!


The only issue we had with installation, and it was totally my fault, wast that my sink is a 3-hole, not a 1-hole as I’d thought. Because the faucet was a 1-hole faucet, it didn’t come with the bar across the sink to cover the other holes. Jeff was able to get my old one to work (and it matched just fine). So be sure to triple check before you order your faucet!

Watching Jeff install my faucet made it look so easy. Like, I probably could have done it myself. So if you have an inch of DIY in you, I bet you could totally do it alone!

So, ready for the reveal? Not only did I change my faucet, I also spruced up the kitchen a little. I’d have loved new counters and new cabinets, like in the dream kitchen I showed you last time, but that’s not happening, for at least 5 years. So, a little paint some curtains it was. And it’s made a huge difference in my kitchen and family room!

Ready?? Okay, here was before, to refresh your memory:

Deltafaucetinspired before

And now…here is my new faucet and spruced up kitchen!

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I absolutely love how much more functional my kitchen sink is now that I have the new faucet. The sink is very shallow, so before I was constantly over filling it and unable to wash dishes without rearranging. Now I can pile them super high without any issue!

Want to see the faucet in action? I made a video! I wanted to make one like that awesome commercial where the guy plays music using the faucets and pots and pans, but well, I had to settle for turning the faucet on and off. 🙂

So, along with the new faucet, we painted 2 walls. We have one of those houses where, once you paint a wall, you almost can’t stop until the whole house is painted. (I swear, would a hard edge kill builders these days? Maybe some trim?) So we painted the long wall that joins the family room and kitchen, and one wall in the kitchen. I’m considering painting the other wall in the kitchen, but I’d almost rather get backsplash instead. I hate painting!

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The kitchen windows needed curtains in a bad way. But I wasn’t sure how to do them We have to have blinds, because our neighbors behind us are so close. When I was hanging the family room curtains, I realized they came with matching tie-backs. So I pulled out some old sheers I had (63″ ones) and hung one over each window with a cafe rod, and use the tie-backs to make them look like shades. That way it adds some color, and ties in the family room.

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And I made my own soap dispensers out of mason jars. I was worried they wouldn’t turn out, but they were so easy. You can find the tutorial on my friend Liz’s blog. One is for hand soap, one is for dish soap.

We finally hung the curtains in the family room and it’s made a huge difference!

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It’s like we live in a whole new house. I’m loving that it finally looks nice. Only took 2 years!

And it was all inspired by this, my new delta faucet!

A Delta Faucet Inspired Kitchen Makeover #deltafaucetinspired

I cannot tell you how many times I have been thankful for this faucet. Like when I make chicken and have yucky hands – I can use my forearm to turn it on. And it’s fun to show off too, everyone loves to play with it. The delta faucet really did inspire me to makeover my kitchen, which is something I’ll get to live with for a long time.

Thanks so much for reading about my journey! What would inspire you to makeover your kitchen? What would you do?


Delta Touch2O Technology for your kitchen and bathroom is precisely in tune with your every touch. Take the quiz to learn which faucet style best describes you at

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Delta via Glam Media.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Delta.



Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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  1. I live in Southern California & trying everything to conserve water during our drought. I only needed to replace one leaking bathroom faucet at the time but when I discovered the Delta Touch2O Technology I replaced all of our faucets with the Touch2O Technology because my elderly father was occasionally leaving the water running in both the kitchen & bathrooms – these Delta faucets with the Touch2O Technology shuts the water off automatically after running for 4 minutes in the kitchen & 1 minute in the bathroom. 
    I installed the 3 faucets (1 kitchen, 2 bathroom) in July 2015. I love the faucets, the technology & highly recommend them. It has solved the problem of my dad wasting so much water & it eases my mind knowing I won’t find any of the faucets running unattended ever again. 
    I previously had a very expensive kitchen faucet (well known name – not made in the USA) with a pull down sprayer & after a couple months I had to struggle to get the spray wand back where it belonged. When I return this spray wand to its docked position the MagnaTite magnet guides it to its proper place and makes sure the Delta faucet spray wand won’t droop over time. So far, so good.

  2. You are going to LOVE the touch less faucet.  I have a Moen and when cooking it is great as you just wave your hand over it.  One thing I want to caution you on is it takes some getting used to.  I don’t know how many times I got my sleeves wet because it would come on.  The one I bought a couple of  years ago has a sensor below on my faucet as well as the top.  I have mine attached with Velcro.  

    I also warn people it is touch less when they go to wash their hands so they don’t get sleeves wet. Â