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Hello everyone! Welcome to Crazy Sweet Tuesday, where I talk too much and you link up some sweet treats!

I’m back! I feel way behind, of course, since my kid thinks the iPad is hers, so I barely got to read any blogs while I was in Phoenix. But the most important part is that we had a great time and we got home, more on that in a minute.

Before I blather on and on about stuff, let’s pick a winner of the Lucky Leaf pie fillings and ice pop mold, shall we? The winner is …  Lisa from Flour Me With Love!

Congratulations Lisa! Be sure to get me your info and I will send it off to Lucky Leaf.

Thanks to everyone for linking last week! Like I said before, I haven’t been able to comment as much as I’d hoped. It was a fun vacation followed by a super crazy weekend.

I would like to send a shout-out to a Southwest ticket agent at the Phoenix airport. I wish I’d thought to get her name, but I was a little crazed at the time.

You see, our flight was delayed over four hours coming home. Which meant we’d be getting home after eleven at night, if we even got home at all. We’ve all been there before…flight is delayed. Then delayed more. Then cancelled. We knew what could happen.

And then that ticket agent worked her magic and got Jordan and I on the last available two seats to Sacramento that day, arriving at close to the original time. Of course, that meant Mel ended up getting a free extra nights stay in Phoenix and flying home Saturday morning.

But because we were able to get home Friday, as planned, I was still able to fulfill the cupcake order I had for Saturday morning (lesson learned: don’t do that again) and Jordan got to go to the birthday party and going-away party we had that day. Phew.

So thanks blonde Southwest ticket agent. I heart you.

And now, since I’ve talked way too much…onto the features!

1.  Maple Bacon Biscuit Donuts by MorningNooNight. My favorite donut flavor!
2.  Goin’ Fishing Cupcakes by A Kitchen Addiction. So simple, yet so cute! (And healthy, too.)
3.  Nanaimo Bar Ice Cream Cake by Addicted to Recipes. Um…coconut. Sold!
4.  Butterscotch Pecan Revel Bars by Stella B’s Kitchen. *Swoon*

Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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  1. Dorothy
    The last month our life has been crazy busy. I haven’t been keeping up with foodie blogging, but I have a recipe today! I hope you enjoy a slice of Chocolate Cherry Cheesecake with Oreo Almond Crust!

  2. I have flown quite a few airlines, but I always come back to SW. I live in Phoenix, so that is the most logical choice anyway. Hope you had a great visit. My family was just here visiting and managed to get home before it hit 110.

    This is my first time on your site. Love it!

    1. Welcome and thanks for visiting! Even through the trials, I always go back to Southwest. Oh, I remember those 110 days…

  3. Oh mah god, I love those fishing cupcakes (which is weird since I am emotionally against fish after fainting at the fish hatchery and since the smell makes me a mad woman). SO making those for Jessie’s dad. Glad you’re back, btw!

    1. Believe me, I’m against them too. But Goldfish rock. 🙂 Thanks Hayley, I hope his dad likes them. 🙂