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It’s the last Friday before school starts. I’m happy (more than you can imagine), but it’s bittersweet too. It’s been a fun summer. But we’re all so ready for it to be Fall!

Did you do anything fun this week? Our week was super busy.

1. Jordan got her braces. It’s kind of emotional for me, to see her with all that metal, because it’s my genes that gave her that mouth. Way back before we started the process, I thought she would get a palate expander and be done. She wasn’t so lucky. She had to have four baby teeth pulled. She got a palate expander. And we were scheduled for partial braces, just on the top.

When she came out of the exam room on Tuesday she had full braces. The doctor made the decision she needed them.  Because her mouth is that bad.

It’s so bad that, when we first saw the doctor he said “don’t worry, I’ve fixed something this severe before.”

It was either this (and she’ll have them again at 12) or surgery to fix her palate.

So yeah, I feel really guilty. And sad. And hopeful that her self-confidence can weather this metal storm.

{Cheery sidenote: when we left with her new bling she said she thought she was even prettier than before.}

2. I made you some treats this week too. What else would I do?

I freaked you all out with green dessert again.

I made my new favorite lunch.

And remade an old favorite.

3. I’m giving away a doughnut pan that makes ginormous doughnuts. Want it?

4. I haven’t done Flashback Friday in awhile…oops.

This weeks installment: last years’ teacher treat: Apple Oreos.

5. A few things I did this week:

I went rock climbing again. Jordan came too and took pictures. Oh-so-flattering!

The child is part monkey.

I took one for the team and spent a day here. More on that next week.

6. It’s the last weekend of summer vacation so we’re doing a stay-cation. I’m hoping that means I don’t have to cook.

What are you doing this weekend? Have your kids started school yet?

Have a good one, peeps. See ya’ on the flip side.


Last Updated on August 18, 2022

Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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  1. I really want to climb a rock wall now. When I think of a poor little second grader with braces, it makes me sad. But looks like she’s loving it! Happy weekend 🙂

  2. Jordan is honestly one of the most confident little kids I know. Most are shy and not personable, but she is and I know she has confidence! (If she didn’t, she definitely wouldn’t talk to me EVER, dress the cute way she does or act like she does). That girl is on fire! And a little metal in her mouth shouldn’t detract from her confidence or beauty! Forreal, every kid has effed up teeth in some way or another. My whole family had braces, and I know TONS of people who haven’t had braces but have seriously needed some. If some brat picks on her for having braces, they’ll get theirs in middle school. Try not to worry because it happens to all of us, and you’re doing the right thing!! Cheer up!! 🙂

  3. Great weekly round up. Looks like Jordan loves her new braces. She seems so young to have them though. My eldest daughter is almost 12 (in Oct) and hasn’t had hers fitted yet. She should be having them at some point either late December or next year. That’s because when she last went to the orthodontist when she was 8-9 she still had baby teeth. I can’t imagine why or how Jordan thinks she’s ugly. How heartbreaking. Shes such a pretty girl that always seems to be smiling and happy. Sadly all 3 of my children will have to have braces. I feel your pain. My eldest, Katrina, isn’t bothered or interested in boys but Collette is and she’s always saying that the boys don’t notice her and has said she’s not pretty. Heartbreaking. Trying to nip that in the bud now.

    Love seeing your flashback from last year. Those apple Oreos look fantastic. The rock climbing photos look great. My middle daughter, Collette, is part monkey too. Not sure if I said before, but the minute she arrived I said she had a ‘monkey nose’ haha! She’s had the nickname monkey ever since and certainly lives up to it with her agility and unusual ability to climb everything. She once told her teacher at school that she came from the zoo and hasn’t got fur because we shaved her at birth and chopped her tail off. It’s our little personal joke but how embarassing for her to share that with her teacher. My goodness!

    Sweet 2 Eat Baking

  4. It’s been a quiet week with hubby on travel for work. I baked (like crazy) yesterday, but now have to figure who to give all of these goodies too:-) The weekend is going to a trip to the Farmer’s Market–I’m behind on making jam for the winter, and more work on my paper flowers for the new book. The weeks pass my fast when you have a deadline looming! XOXO

  5. aw I am going through it too, and my poor guy needs to have dental surgery first to fix cavities that he should not have. His teeth are so crowded that well, we should have done better. Then he gets braces and I cannot go with as I have to work. I feel so guilty:( So we can suffer together, but she looks so cute with all her metal, mine cries saying everyone is going to make fun of him. But at least we can fix it right, I would hate for them to grow up and suffer with bad teeth. have a great weekend.

    1. I know, it’s so hard! Every once in awhile she says she’s “ugly” and it breaks my heart. I just hope the kids are nice! So far they’ve kind of been in awe…so I’ll hope that sticks. Good luck with your little guy!