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These Eyeball Red Velvet Pudding Pies are perfect for your halloween party!

Red Velvet Eyeball Pies with whipped cream and red frosting eyes with lifesaver pupils

When it comes to bedtime, my husband and I are like an old married couple. We head upstairs around 9:30, watch TV for a bit, and I’m usually asleep shortly after 10:00. This happens every single day. Even when we’re on vacation.

See? Old.

Seriously, the thought of staying up past 10:30 gives me the heebie-jeebies. This girl needs her sleep.

I’m one of those people who has to get 6-7 hours just to be able to function. I am NOT a nice person unless I get a full nights’ sleep. It’s always been that way, since I was a kid.

As you can probably imagine, having an infant was not a very good time for me. People talk about how you “forget” the pain of childbirth (Um. No you don’t.) or how you “just deal” with having no sleep because you have such a cute baby as a tradeoff.


I “just dealt” with having an infant who refused to sleep well until she was 6 months old by going totally hormonal and insane.

If someone ever needs to get me to spill my baking secrets, there’s no need for torture. Just sleep deprive me for one night and I will spill like a spy being waterboarded.

I give all of you East Coasters’ props, that’s for sure. Your sports events run until the wee hours of the morning. Linky parties start at 9:00pm or later and you still link up before I do.

I’ve been doing a lot of work with Ashton lately for Online BlogCon and she starts working about the time I am ready to turn off my computer and she is three hours ahead of me.

I really don’t know how y’all do it.

Red Velvet Eyeball Pies with whipped cream and red frosting eyes with lifesaver pupils

What does sleep have to do with Halloween Week and eyeballs?

Pretty much everything…because this is how my eyes look if I don’t get my beauty rest.

I had to do a pie for Halloween Week. How could I not?

I like eyeballs at Halloween. I don’t know why. They’re gross. But also…cute? Anyway, these eyeball pies are not just Cool Whip and Lifesavers.

Think for a second if you cut open an eyeball. One that was still attached, like in a gory movie or something.

{Now I’m going to lose sleep because I’m going to have nightmares. Thanks self.}

Red Velvet Eyeball Pies with whipped cream and red frosting eyes with lifesaver pupils cut open to see inside

If you cut open an eyeball, I imagine it would be bloody.

Kind of like cutting a Red Velvet Pudding Pie.

Super gross…and perfect for Halloween.

brownies bites with a white frosting, red gel, and candy eyeball on top.

Eyeball Brownie Bites Recipe

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An easy Halloween treat with just a few ingredients - these eyeballs start with brownie bites!
Prep Time 15 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Yield 36 brownie bites
Serving Size 1 serving


  • 24 brownie bites
  • 1 cup vanilla frosting
  • 1 tube Red Gel Icing
  • 24 candy eyeballs
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  • Place brownie bites on a plate or cookie sheet.
  • Frost with white frosting.
  • Pipe red squiggly lines around the frosting, to simulate the red veins in eyeballs.
  • Top each with a candy eyeball.
  • Store in refrigerator in an airtight container.

Recipe Notes

You can use my brownie bite and vanilla frosting recipe or use store bought. If using store bought brownie bites, know that every brand comes with a different number in the package so the yield for this recipe will vary.

Recipe Nutrition

Serving: 1serving | Calories: 223kcal
Nutritional information not guaranteed to be accurate
Course Dessert
Cuisine American

Red Velvet Eyeball Pies with whipped cream and red frosting eyes with lifesaver pupils

Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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  1. I’m dying thinking about kids biting into these at a class Halloween party. How perfectly creepy!

  2. These are just too cool {and a wee bit gross!} – perfect for Halloween! Totally awesome as usual Dorothy! Thanks so much for sharing at Mom On Timeout! Hope to see you back tonight!


  3. Dorothy,
    These are perfect for Halloween! I love the ooey gooey insides. Thanks so much for linking up to Creative Thursday. Canโ€™t wait to see what you share this week! Have a wonderful week.

  4. These are adorable! Definitely what you think of when you think of cutting open eyes…if that’s something you think about…haha I definitely want to make some of these for my Halloween party!
    I don’t think going to sleep at 10 makes you old! (Trust me, I’m 20 and most of my friends go to sleep around that time!) I wish I went to sleep earlier. In fact, it’s after 1am right now and my boyfriend and I are still up. I love my sleep too, though, which means that since we go to sleep late, I hate waking up before noon. When my little one comes in January, I am going to be one cranky, sleep-deprived camper!!