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Happy Friday to you, Happy Friday to you, Happy Friday to you dear readers, Happy Friday to you!

I like Fridays. It’s really no different than any other day, but for some reason I usually end up bucking all responsibilities (like cleaning) and going shopping instead.

Pretty soon Friday will be my “Grey’s Anatomy Day”. (The day I watch the newest episode, since my husband loathes anything to do with blood, gore, or medical dramas.)

Is anyone else excited for the new TV season to start? Last year I was too afraid to share my TV lineup spreadsheet.

Maybe this year I’ll suck up my pride and show you how dorky I truly am. We’ll see.

This week I…

1. Announced Online BlogCon 2012! Ashton and I have been planning it for weeks (months, really). It’s an online blog conference – so there is no need to travel, stay in expensive hotel rooms, or get dressed to participate! We’ve got some awesome speakers and fun giveaways planned. Go read more about it and then REGISTER! {We are also looking for sponsors, so if you are interested, please email me and I will send you some information. crazyforcrustblog (at) gmail (dot) com.}

2. I made dessert. OF COURSE I DID.

I gave marshmallows a crust. Did you expect anything less of me?

I made breakfast s’mores…and homemade graham cracker butter.

3. Then I talked to you more about my move to WordPress.

Speaking of WP, have any of you updated to the newest version yet? I’m more than petrified to do it.

4. Jordan had dance class on Tuesday, as per normal. Only this time she “dressed” for it.

5. Awhile ago I bruised my tailbone from, all things, sitting down. (I misjudged the distance to the seat.) Now, ironically, what hurts the most to do? Sit. Soon I’ll be fashioning a laptop carrier from a baby bjorn so that I can blog.

6. I got my hair done yesterday, finally. I always wait too long, because it’s expensive. Then one day I wake up and it really needs it, you know what I mean? Then I have to wait two weeks to get into my stylist. Anyway, now I have sexy hair again. Yay!

7. Jordan started cheer this week. It’s a simple cheer program, through the city, for flag football. They wear simple shorts and t-shirts, and use poms. Expect lots of photographic cuteness.

8. Why a 7-year-old is not mature enough for braces: getting a pokey wire that hooks on the inside of her mouth results in screams the likes of a torture victim and the inevitable trip back to the ortho to clip the wire results in a tantrum the likes of a terrible twoer.

9. Totally random fact about me: my big toes don’t match. This is something I just figured out. (Why it took me so long? I have no idea.) One is angled more than the other, is thinner and more shapely while the regular straight up-and-down toe is fat and ugly. Seriously, I’m not kidding. I tried to capture it in a photo but it didn’t work. It’s like I have fraternal twin toes. How is that even possible?

10. I’ll leave you with a quote from a book I’m reading (Odd Interlude #1 (An Odd Thomas Story) by Dean Koontz; only for e-readers):

“Waiting is one of the things that human beings cannot do well, though it is one of the essential things we must do successfully if we are able to know happiness. We are impatient for the future and try to craft it with our own powers, but the future will come as it comes and will not be hurried. If we are good at waiting, we discover that what we wanted of the future, in our impatience, is no longer what we want, that waiting has brought wisdom.” ~Odd Thomas

I don’t know why, but that quote really resonated with me. Possibly because I have absolutely zero patience and hate to wait. In line at the grocery store, at a red light, for my “big break in blogging”; I am good at none of that waiting. This quote reminds me I need work more at being better with my patience. I thought I’d share. 🙂

Wow, I got heavy on you for a minute. Dude.

And with that…I’ll leave you to ponder until next week. Have an awesome weekend. Big things coming next week…..



{Yes, Hayley, that was for you.}

Last Updated on April 1, 2023

Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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  1. Hey-I just stumbled across your blog and I love almost all your recipes! I switched over to wordpress at the beginning of summer and love it a million times’s just so much more user-friendly I think. They haven’t prompted me to update to a new version yet, but I hate that always scares me! And I thought I’d make you feel a little better…one of my big toes is like half an inch longer than the other one! It’s so weird…some of my shoes are a lot tighter on my right foot because of it. Haha but I guess that’s what makes us human =P And s’mores granola?? With graham. cracker. butter?? I think I just died and went to heaven!