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Well helllloooooo friends! It’s Friday, so that means I get to talk random at you. Yay you!

1. Who watched NKOTB on The View the other day? I swear, it’s been 20 years since I pined for them. I’ve been married for 11 1/2 years, with my husband for almost 13. I’m a middle-aged mom and it doesn’t matter squat. When I hear Joey McIntyre talk or hear them sing Step by Step, my stomach flips, my heart races, and I’m positively giddy. It makes me want to see if my mom still has my notebooks from middle school, the ones where I recorded my “novel” about how Joey was going to show up at my school in a limo, sweep me off my feet, marry me and we’d ride off into the sunset and Hang Tough together for eternity.

I really, really want to go see that concert. July 7, San Jose. Who’s in?

2. Is anyone going to Bloggy Boot Camp in Phoenix in April? Anyone? Phoenix peeps? It’s all about blogging as a business. I booked my ticket and my flights last night!

3. Yesterday was Hayley’s birthday. Did you go sing to her?

4. This week I posted lots and lots of sugar for you.

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Skinny Frozen Chocolate S’mores Pie {it’s still skinny if I eat the whole pie…right?}
Easy Lemon Sweet Rolls {I shared how impatient I am with you.}
Peanut Apple Butter Bites {A yummy snack to start off all the football treats I have for you!}
White Chocolate Macadamia Magic Pizza {my favorite magic bar, by far!}
Fudgy Brownies with Coconut Frosting {better than a box, I swear!}

5. Dinners! Mel was gone a few nights this week, so I didn’t cook much. However, I did make:

Saturday: Homemade Egg Rolls from Lil’Luna. I subbed mushrooms for the chicken, and baked them instead of frying. They were SO good. And now that I have wrappers, I’m going to make these.

Sunday: Broccoli soup, adapted from here. I subbed greek yogurt for the cream, and I boiled a potato and onion in the stock before blending. It was really good, and even Jordan ate it!

Thursday: Greek Salad, from Food Network Magazine. I love a greek salad! Panera’s is my fav.

6. I am obsessed with this green smoothie. It was great as an after-workout snack and as a breakfast!

7. Insta-dump!

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Somehow reading is more fun when you do it with hot chocolate.

Ginger does not like the groomers. She’s grabbing the leash from me. (Actually, she does this whenever I try to walk her too.)

An Ariel balloon. That’s a first!

Guess what’s baaaack…Birthday Cake Oreos and Birthday Cake Golden Oreos. They are SO GOOD. Hurry to Target, they’re only here for a limited time!

8. Um…how is it the end of January? Mr. Time, please slow the heck down, thankyouverymuch. Love, Dorothy.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Eat something sweet. 😉


Last Updated on August 18, 2022

Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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  1. I didn’t seen them on The View, but I died when I heard about e NKOTBSB, Boyz 2 Men, 98 Degrees tour. I saw NKOTBSB a couple years ago, and let me just tell you, there are no words. Uh-ma-zing!

  2. I want some avocado wraps!! And I hope your NKOTB “novel” is in one of the two NKOTB boxes we found in the attic because I just finally tossed most of your other school papers this month while cleaning.
    Love, Mom

  3. LOL I am so glad it is almost February it is like -25 with the wind chill most days here, I hate it!! And I just groomed my own dog, she was like 4 pounds and would try to hang herself from the grooming table leash, true story, she even did it to me. So I feel for your dog, but if mine was that big, no way would I groom her! And NKOTB, my friend totally did the same thing and wrote stories, I went to the concert a few years back here, and my god the crazy ladies all screaming and I was just like “HMMMM not as hot as I used to think.” That means I’m getting old, sigh.

    1. LOL! I’d groom her myself but she does NOT like having her feet touched. AT ALL. It’s not worth the loss of limb. 🙂

  4. OMG. I heard about NKOTB being on The View, and I totally thought of you! Also, I had a similar fantasy as like a . . . maybe 10 year old, about one of the band members (I wasn’t picky) sweeping me away in a limo. Of course, in my innocence, we ended up at the library. 🙂

    Also, I JUST discovered the Birthday Cake Oreo. And I may or may not have eaten an entire sleeve of them yesterday. I blame the children. 🙂

    1. Yes, blame the children! They are way too good. I’m not eating them on the thought I’ll make something. But I’ll end up eating them anyway…