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Happy Friday everyone! I can’t believe another week has gone by.

And, since I didn’t really recap last week…I’ve got two weeks to talk about! Aren’t you excited??

So, strap on your dessert bag and let’s get started!

1. Last week I gave another treat a crust.

I was also out of town, but I didn’t leave you hanging!

I posted something savory {gasp} at I Wash…You Dry. (Thanks Shawn, for having me!)

And the fabulous Kristin from Kristin’s kNook guest posted here, sharing her oh-so-awesome recipe for a Peanut Butter Brownie Cake Shake.

2. Then I came home (more on vaca in a minute) and made you some more fat-free stuff!

Like these.

And these.

And, of course, this.

I’m tired now. And full.

Flashback Friday will return next week!

3. I need to give the biggest shout out to Hayley (aka The Domestic Rebel). Last Sunday, when I went to put our laundry in the dryer…I realized the washer had never done it’s thing. It was full of soapy, dirty, water and soaked clothes. Hayley let me come use her washing machine to finish the load and keep us in clean aprons until my washer could be fixed, which it was on Tuesday. Thank goodness for good friends!

4. Want to see some of our vacation?

{Wait, don’t answer that.}

I ate and drank my way through Phoenix. First up, a Southwest Club at Dilly’s Deli. Can you believe when I used to order it years ago I picked off the avocados???? Ice cream, of course. It was 108 degrees! Yummy cocktails, and of course, Paradise Bakery.

We went to the Phoenix Zoo. What’s really cool about this picture is that, right after Jordan was born, we belonged to the zoo and saw this little guy right after he was born, up until he was about one. I have a similar picture of Jordan with him as a baby. She always loved going to look at “her baby.”

For one night we stayed at a resort with a water slide. Jordan had SO much fun on it. So did Mel.

And, I’ll admit, I did too. Which accomplished another of my goals for the year: swim with my head under water. The water slide didn’t really give me a choice. (And I discovered that checking my bathing suit top is a reflex, that happens without me thinking. It stayed put every time, thank goodness.)

Jordan and Mel did the slide way more than me. Giving me time to read Andy Cohen’s book. It’s awesome. Go read it. (And yes, that is how I waterproof my Kindle.)

And it made us thirsty. Jordan’s is a mocktail, obvi.

Now I want to go to Phoenix every year and stay at that hotel (the Pointe Hilton Squaw Peak Resort). Great rooms, even better pools, and the sofa bed was actually comfortable.

5. Jordan went to her first slumber party on Wednesday night. I really can’t think of anything else to say about that except, please, time slow down my baby is growing up too fast.

6. The camp she was at this week is a VBS at a local mega-church. We don’t attend services there, but the camp is so well known and fun, we’ve been doing it for years. This is a clip of the rally they do each day. And yes it is a church camp. Not a rock concert. It’s pretty awesome, if you ask me.

I hope you all had a great week! Have a wonderful weekend!


Last Updated on April 1, 2023

Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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  1. How cute is Jordan with her baby chimp?? Adorbs.
    I ordered Mocktails All the time as a kid….thats a little weird, huh?
    I’m so glad you had such a fun vacation. Thanks for sharing with us!

  2. Looks like you had a lot of fun! I hate swimming with my head under, too, but I’m trying to make an effort (using a pair of goggles helps, unattractive as they may be!) 😉 I may have to steal your Kindle-proofing technique for when my husband are poolside next week on our vacation!

  3. Dorothy, sounds like you need a day or two to rest up from all your FUN! Great re-cap and pictures. What a neat thing for Jordan to have a zoo animal to watch grow.

    Happy Weekend!

    1. Thanks Robyn! Yes, it’s always that way, isn’t it? Rest needed after vacation, lol.

  4. wow what a week or two for you! And I saw the picture of your kindle and was all, “what the heck is she doing” then you explained it and I thought you were very smart, but you should use a ziplock, it would look fancier. If that is even possible with a kindle in a plastic bag LOL.

    1. LOL! I buy cheap when I travel, what can I say? Heck, I always buy cheap. 🙂

  5. Happy Friday Dorothy! TGIF. 🙂 You had such a delicious week! Can’t wait to see what you post for our guest bloggy link up on Monday. 🙂