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Well, it’s been awhile since I posted an installment of Whatever Friday. Things have been a little crazy and I’ve been trying to figure out how to work that post (which I love) into a week of as many recipes as I can handle. Obviously, life caught up with me because trying to turn out 4 sugary posts a week and, well, have a life, kind of made Whatever Fridays take a backseat!

That said, I loved doing Whatever Friday. I was able to brain dump little things that happened here and there, and share things I thought were important or useful. I miss having that outlet…so I’m bringing it back. Just changed up a little…and with less commitment. So, I introduce you to my new weekly(ish) post:

Crust & Crumbs

It’s Whatever Friday…but better. It’s Crust and Crumbs, your weekly slice of (my) life. I’ll point you in the direction of sugar, of course. And I’ll brain dump my random thoughts and instagram photos. And, I’m hoping that this noncommittal, sometimes every week, sometimes not post will allow me to improve it. I hope to link to some of my favorite things around the web. Maybe bring some blogging tips, as I come across them. And other things, as I come up with them.

{I’d like to thank the lovely ladies of Online BlogCon for helping me come up with that name. I am HORRIBLE at naming and y’all are amazing. THANKY YOU!}

Sound good? Yes? Okay, let’s get started.

1. Google Reader is going away. I had a panic attack for about three hours, and then I moved on. I have two great ways you can read my blog (and your other favorites) without Google Reader:

  • Bloglovin. I am really, really liking it. I was able to import all the blogs in my reader into Bloglovin and all I had to do was reorganize them into groups. Ali at Gimme Some Oven did a great post on how to move all your feeds. Follow me on Bloglovin!
  • Feedly. It works just like Google Reader. It actually imports right from them, no exporting needed. And they have assured their users that there will be a seamless move from Google Reader once it is discontinued (as in, you won’t lose your feeds).

2. Have you entered my giveaways? I’ve got two cool ones going right now. One for a Nikon D3100 + 35mm lens and another for a TRIP to the Duncan Hines Test Kitchen!


3. I’m trying to learn more about SEO. I found this fabulous series by Bake Your Day all about SEO for Food Bloggers. It’s taking me awhile to get through it, but it’s great.

4. I want more of these Coconut Kiss Brownie Pies. They are all gone, but I still have Coconut Kisses, that I’m eating by the handful.


5. I read two amazing books recently, totally by chance. I randomly selected them from the e-library for my Kindle (through my library system) and was surprised I couldn’t put either one down. Defending Jacob, by William Landay and The Expats by Chris Pavone. Seriously, both were amazingly good. What are you reading?

6. My friend Lisa, over at Wine and Glue, shared some great Pinterest tips this week. Go check them out!

7. I kind of wish I didn’t give all of these Peanut Butter Cadbury Egg Stuffed Muffins away. I really could use one right now.


8. On the last episode of RHOBC, a woman (David Foster’s ex-wife Linda) went to a housewarming party and gave the hostess a jar of homemade jam as a gift. She said, and I quote, “I know, that’s so middle class. Um, WTH? Really?

9. Insta-dump!


I organized my office. If you’d ever seen the before shots on Instagram – OMG. I couldn’t even get to the closet. Or the window. Or sit on the bed. My husband put shelves in the closet and it was the best thing ever!


I celebrated Pi Day in true Dorothy fashion.


The kid is nuts. It was about 70 degrees outside…but the water is WAY colder. As in, Mel wouldn’t even get in. She actually got all the way in, then she took a hot shower.

10. Breakfast, anyone?

Bacon Maple Cinnamon Rolls 1 words

Well, I’ve used up enough of your Saturday. Thanks for visiting! Have a wonderful weekend, and go eat some sugar!



Last Updated on August 18, 2022

Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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  1. Didn’t know you guys had a pool. How fun. And how much work! I lifeguarded in h.s. and having to take care of pools can be hard and have also had a hot tub (that wasn’t as bad though!) but how fun for her that she can just take a dip whenever! I use Reeder from Mac. A $4.99 app that I installed 2 weeks ago and it’s changed my life. Blows the pants of any other service I’ve tried!

    1. I’ll have to check that one out Averie! And I never expected to have a pool, but this house happened to have one. It’s a lifesaver in summer (it gets SO hot here) and Jordan is a fish. But it is a lot of work, and it’s expensive. In fact, one of the motors is going and I can hear the grinding as it’s running all the way at the opposite end of the closed-up house. The home warranty company won’t replace it until it “breaks”.

  2. Your second giveaway should be listed as….Someone gets to spend a weekend with Dorothy (oh, and go to Duncan Hines… lol
    Love you, Mom

  3. Let me know if you have any SEO questions! Thanks for linking up. Hope you have a great weekend, Dorothy!

    1. Thanks Cassie! Oh, I have plenty, believe me! 🙂 I’m still going through the series with a fine-toothed comb!

  4. OMG I can’t wait to meet your pretty face 🙂
    Love your crust and crumbs idea!!!