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Happy Friday my peeps! I hope you had a wonderful week, full of sugar and hugs. I have SO much to share this week, so let’s get started!

1. During our trip to San Francisco last weekend, my husband and I ate at Scala’s Bistro, and Italian restaurant right off Union Square. It was amazingly good, a definite to-be-repeated restaurant. On their menu, there was this quote, and it spoke to me for obvious reasons. (I, of course, added the word “sugary” in front of “dish” and it really hit home.) It struck such a chord with me, I came home and created a printable for you. Click the link below to download an 8×10 image.

printable with words "the discovery of a new dish does more for the happiness of the human race than the discovery of a star"

{Download the 8×10 image here.}

2. I again ate my way through another trip. It’s become that thing I do.

A Biscoff Latte at the Biscoff store on Pier 39.

july sf28

A picnic from the Ferry Building, including salumi from Boccalone (their motto is “Tasty Salted Pig Parts”…you need that place in your life).

july sf19


Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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  1. 1. Must read those books. #mylife
    2. Must visit the Biscoff store. #wanttomovein
    3. These are my favorites posts you do. #eventhoughiheartsugar

  2. My daughter would cry looking at your amazing zucchini! She planted a container garden this year and apparently the zucchini plant wasn’t happy to be contained. All we got were two very tiny tasty zucchini about 5″ long! Some people would consider your zucchini bounty too much of a good thing. You, on the other hand, find amazing recipes to use them in! I have never heard of zucchini coffee cake but it looks wonderful! I going to have to buy some zucchini and give it a try. I am certainly not waiting for our plants to produce enough! 🙂

    1. At this point…it’s at too much! LOL, I have so much frozen for winter. Zucchini treats all year round!