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I was a senior in high school in 1995. That’s also the year that the Niner’s won the Super Bowl and Alanis Morissette became a huge star. I loved Alanis. Like, totally crushed on her.

One of my favorite songs of hers is Ironic. I think irony is funny.

Lots of things in life are ironic. Like when you get home from the library and there is a message on your answering machine from them saying the book you have on hold is ready for pick-up.

Or when you wash your car (or your dog) and then it rains.

Or when you find the perfect little dress at Old Navy, and the only size they have it in is the one you wore before you started a food blog.

Sometimes reeealllly good things come of irony.

The day that I posted my Blueberry & Peach Dump Cake (and talked about my intense dislike of peaches) I got an email from Marie Callender’s. You know, the ones who make rockin’ pies? (And, um, that includes the chicken pot variety. I practically grew up on those.)

Seems that last Friday, August 24th, was National Peach Pie Day. Marie Callender’s wanted to send me a pie.

A peach pie.

<Insert irony here.>

When I explained my dilemma to the nice folks at Marie Callender’s, they thought it was funny too. They still wanted to send me a peach pie. But because I’m not a huge fan of peaches…they said they’d also send me the Peanut Butter Cream Pie.

Uh, what now? I’m sorry, did I get that last part wrong?

Nope. They wanted to send me the Peanut Butter Cream Pie.

Could they have picked a better person to send that too?

I tried the peach pie. The crust is delicious. If you love peaches…you’ll LOVE that pie. Especially with a huge scoop of ice cream on top.

If you don’t love peaches, buy the Peanut Butter Cream Pie. It’s beyond awesome fantabulicious. Like, squared.

Now…you know me. If I’m going to write a post about something…I want to bake with it. Also…I wanted to see if another concoction I created would make me like peach pie.

So I made you blondies.

And I put the pie inside them.

Oh, yes I did.

Did you know that peaches are the third most fruit grown in America? And that authentic Georgia peaches are only available 16 weeks a year, from mid-May to August? Happy (belated) Peach Pie Day!

So…go buy some Marie Callender’s pies. They kinda rock. 🙂

Thanks for reading!

{Marie Callender’s sent me two free pies to try. All opinions are my own!}

This post may be linked to: Chef in Training, Trick or Treat Tuesday, Cast Party WednesdaySweet Treats Thursday, Chic-and-Crafty, Tastetastic Thursday, Sweet Tooth Friday, I’m Lovin’ it FridaysSweets for a SaturdayA Well-Seasoned Life, Strut your Stuff Saturday, Weekend Wrap Up Party, Weekend Potluck, and all of these too!

Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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  1. Dorothy, these look amazing! Love your new space. Did you do it? If so, amazing job, my friend. Can’t wait to get mine up and running. 🙂

    1. Thanks Tiffany! I designed it based on a Genesis child theme and I had someone transfer it for me. 🙂 I can’t wait to see yours!

  2. So I’m dying to know… did you end up liking the peach pie blondies?? They look awesome! But I love peach pie 😉